In 1300 Pope Boniface VIII proclaimed the first great Year of Jubilee in the Catholic Church, which granted remission of sins for those who made confession and made Pilgrimage to Rome. Through the centuries Jubilee Years were held every century, then every 50 years and every 25 years, offering the same invitation to prayer and the same plea for grace for the Church and the world. The latest Holy Year began on Christmas Eve and has been given the theme of “Hope” wherein we’re all asked to see in every act of faith and worship the hope of God come alive, and where we’re asked to pray that God’s hope may filter into the world through us and may shine as a bright light in a world that can be filled with much darkness. Of course, the old adage runs true – be what you see, and therein lies the whole point of this Holy Year. In a fast changing and very loud world, the goodness of God can be clouded in the hatred of others that brings violence, disaster and suffering to so many. It can be silenced by the loud shouts of criticism of others, of ridicule of faith and of discord in homes, towns and nations. It can be dimmed by the endless trumpeting of doom that has become our norm. And yet, the tiniest of goodnesses and acts of love, change all our lives and give us renewed trust in the goodness of humanity and the reality that God sends endless messengers of hope to the world – including you. While the Holy Year asks us all to pray, it also asks us to act and to try in some small way to become a light of God’s hope wherever life leads us. When a chance to do some act of love or charity comes along, don’t stop to think just stop to do. When a chance comes to say words that build up the world just say them. When a chance comes to say the words that break and shatter another soul – be silent. When a chance comes along to snatch any thread of hope in the world and lead others to a happier, holier way of life – hang tight to it. Let the light of your faith and your works bring the hope this world needs so much and let God shine through in every part of your life.
With best wishes – Fr O’Neill
Saturday: 6.00pm (Vigil Mass for Sunday)
Sunday: 9.30am
Holydays: 10.00am – subject to change
Weekday Mass: Friday: 10.00am
Divine Mercy Chaplet – Friday after 10am Mass
Sunday: 11.00a.m.
Eucharistic Adoration: Mondays 10.00am – 7.00pm
Month’s Mind Masses and First Anniversary Masses are currently being held in St Mary & St Joseph’s Church, Brackaville on Monday evenings at 7.30pm or Friday evenings at 7.30pm (by arrangement and subject to availability) or on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday mornings at 10.00am. They are also celebrated in the Church of the Holy Family on Friday mornings at 10.00am or at any of the weekend Masses. Month’s Mind Masses are offered in St Mary’s Church, Stewartstown on Sunday mornings at 11.00am or on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm (by arrangement and subject to availability) and First Anniversary Masses on Sundays at 11am.
The following Masses have been requested during the coming months:
17rh January – 7.30pm – Sally Gervin – MM
20th January – 7.30pm – Martin Kerr – MM
31st January – 7.30pm – Anne Quinn – 1st Av
31st January – 7.30pm – Declan Campbell – 1st Av
1st February – 6.00pm – John Hampsey – 1st Av
7th February – 7.30pm – Jimmy McCann – 1st Av
14th February – 7.30pm – Margaret Laird – MM
Please note there will be no Weekday Mass from 17th – 21st February – Month’s Mind Masses or First Anniversary Masses can be booked for the week before or after this week. Many thanks for your understanding.